Please complete the brief, anonymous, research survey

at this link.

You will be compensated for your time. At the end of the survey, you will be redirected to input your email address. Within two weeks of completion, you will receive a class pass to TruFusion, Xtreme Couture, and Movement Fitness to the email address you provide.

  • You are invited to participate in the research study survey entitled 'Physical and Mental Health and Sense of Inclusion Among University Students, Staff, and Faculty After an On-Campus Mass Casualty Event' 
  • You will be compensated for your time. At the end of the survey, you will be redirected to input your email address. Within two weeks of completion, you will receive a class pass to TruFusion, Xtreme Couture, and Movement Fitness to the email address you provide.
  • You will be asked to answer some questions about your physical activity practices, academic status, demographic and background information, lifestyle, and mood.  You will not be asked to provide your name in the survey; the survey software will not collect identification data.  Please be assured that your responses are anonymous and that all collected responses will be kept entirely confidential.  The investigators will scientifically analyze the results from all responses and report the findings in one or more articles or poster presentations.
  • The survey should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.  At the end of the anonymous survey, you will be presented with a link to receive class passes at TruFusion, Movement Fitness, and Xtreme Couture fitness studios. This link is completely separate from the survey. You will receive these passes by email within two weeks. Your participation in this research is voluntary.  You have the right to withdraw at any point during the study, for any reason, and without any prejudice.
  • If you have questions or concerns about the study, contact Sharon Jalene at 702-895-3946 or If you have questions about the rights of research subjects or any complaints or comments about the manner in which the study is being conducted, contact the UNLV Office of Research Integrity—Human Subjects at 702-895-2794, toll-free at 888-581-2794 or via email at

You can enter a raffle for a free fitness tracker

at this link.